Vaughn Mancha Speaker


My name is Dr. Vaughn Mancha. I'm a retired medical doctor and director for a beginning Ratio Christi group in Mobile, Al.

I am writing to you today to inquire about the possibility of giving a Zoom talk to your RC campus on the topic of Epigenetics and its role in replacing Neo-Darwinian evolution.

I have been studying epigenetics for quite some time. I have published peer-reviewed article on medical topics involved with clinical research.

I believe that epigenetics is a topic that is of great interest to students at RC campuses. Epigenetic research is revolutionizing our understanding of how genes work outside of Neo-Darwinism, and it is having a profound impact on our understanding of evolution.

I would be honored to give a talk at your campus on this important topic. I would be happy to tailor my talk to the specific interests of your students.

I have attached my bio and introduction for your reference.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Dr. Vaughn Mancha

251 776 8435

Sample talk

"The field of epigenetics is causing a major disruption in the field of evolution.  Epigenetics can be described as the study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence. This is in contrast with Darwin’s explanation of changes in the DNA via random mutations with natural selection.  A recent news article reports "Current estimates are that approximately one-third of professional academic biologists who do not believe in intelligent design find Darwin’s theory is inadequate to describe all of the complexity in biology.” 

In this presentation, Dr. Vaughn Mancha will describe how epigenetics best explains the biological complexities of genetic change and why it is so disruptive to Darwin’s theory of evolution.  

Vaughn Mancha MD

Dr Mancha has a MD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with an undergraduate degree in biology from Florida State University.  He is a retired Board Certified Family Practitioner.  He presently resides as the director of the Mobile Alabama Ratio Christi and the president of the Daphne Alabama chapter of Reasons to Believe.  He also is a visiting scholar for RTB and submits blogs for their website.

His apologetic interest is primarily in evolution and its eclipse due to non darwinian epigenetics.

Dr. Mancha's presentation to our college students at Ratio Christi USF was insightful and incredibly informative. Many of our students are struggling with the current debate on evolution and Dr. Mancha has done a great job illustrating that there is so much more to this issue then was typically thought of a few decades ago. His insight on the recent discoveries on epigenetics and how they challenge traditional Darwinism has been a real eye opener and our students were hooked. Dr. Mancha does an excellent job communicating his point through his PowerPoint presentation and the images he uses are truly helpful when it comes to understanding how the science works. He was a great guest speaker to have at my chapter and I would recommend him to anyone.


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