The Mytho-Evolution of WLC

""I don't assume…I simply assume."

"I simply accept what the deliverances of contemporary science are. Now, there doesn’t mean that I believe in them or defend them. I simply assume them." - WLC

YouTube interview of William Lane Craig with Mike Lincona:

  • Lincona:

Let's shift to how you approach science. What is your philosophy of science, and how does it shape how you think about the integration of science and theology?

  • WlC:

I approach science with an open mind. I don't assume that the deliverances of contemporary science are correct, but I also don't dismiss them out of hand. I simply assume them and see if they can be reconciled with my biblical commitments.

In the book Quest for Adam, I argue that there is no incompatibility between the full-blown theory of evolution of the human species and my biblical commitment to a universal human pair or progenitors. I do this by assuming the deliverances of modern science and then asking what it would mean for the biblical story of Adam and Eve to be true in light of those deliverances.

I argue that it is possible that Adam and Eve were a biological and spiritual renovation of a group of hominins, perhaps a few thousand, who were lifted to fully human status and capable of supporting a rational soul through their brain and nervous system. This would have happened sometime prior to 750,000 years ago.

I also argue that it is possible that Adam and Eve were the ancestors of all modern humans, even though they were not the only humans alive at the time. This is because the DNA evidence indicates that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens interbred and sired children. This means that all modern humans carry some Neanderthal DNA.

I conclude that the biblical story of Adam and Eve can be reconciled with the deliverances of modern science if we understand it as a mytho-historical account. This means that it is a story that is both true and historical, but it is not a literal account of events that happened in the past.

I believe that this approach provides a way to hold on to the essential biblical truths about Adam and Eve, while also being open to the insights of modern science.

'What's good for the goose is good for the gander.'

Matthew 5:18

For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

WLC strongly argues that other Christians can not use concordism while reserving it to his views. He uses the word "concordism" 14 times in his book in criticizing creationists yet never in the context of evolutionary creationism.

Concordism is the view that the Bible and modern scientific theories, such as evolution, can be reconciled. In the context of evolutionary creationism, concordism holds that the major events described in the Bible, such as the creation of the world and the Flood, can be interpreted as descriptions of real events that were shaped by the process of evolution.

There are a number of different ways to reconcile evolution and the Bible. One way is to argue that the Bible is not a literal account of history, but rather a collection of stories that convey spiritual truths. Another way is to argue that the Bible is accurate in its broad outlines, but that the details have been corrupted over time.

Concordism has been criticized by some (YEC) creationists who believe that the Bible should be interpreted literally.

However, concordism has also been praised by some scientists who believe that it is a way of bridging the gap between science and religion. They argue that concordism can help to promote understanding and tolerance between people of different beliefs.

"We owe it to define evolution to believers, not to try to bludgeon them into accepting it. We should show them that there is no incompatibility between evolution and Christian faith, and that in fact, there are many ways in which the two can be seen to be complementary."-WLC

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it — away from the fog of the controversy."-Nancy Pelosi

  • In PubMed:

The term evolution yields 389,792 results.

Human evolution yields 46,761 results.

NeoDarwinism or the modern synthesis yields 209 results.

Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) yields 1,051 results.

Non-Darwinian Epigenetics (which includes the EES) yields 135,000 results.

  • In "the historical Adam"

Evolution yields over 240 results.

The Modern Synthesis, NeoDarwinism, the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis, Epigenetics & Darwinian evolution or a precise definition of evolution yields ZERO results.

There are a few reasons why the term "Evolution" is used more often than "NeoDarwinism."

  • "Evolution" is a more general term. It refers to the process of change over time, and can be used to describe any kind of biological change. "NeoDarwinism" is a more specific term, and refers to a particular asect of evolution that was developed in the  20th century.

  • "Evolution" is a more established term. It has been around for centuries, and is used by a wide range of scientists and laypeople. "NeoDarwinism" is not as widely used among laypeople.

  • "Evolution" is a more neutral term. It does not imply any particular view of how evolution works. "NeoDarwinism" is associated with specific views about the role of natural selection in evolution, and can be seen as a more controversial term.

As a result of these factors, the term "Evolution" is simply more likely to be used in scientific literature than the term "NeoDarwinism."

"The foregoing remarks lead me to say a few words on the protest lately made by some naturalists against the utilitarian doctrine that every detail of structure has been produced for the good of its possessor. They believe that many structures have been created for the sake of beauty, to delight man or the Creator (but this latter point is beyond the scope of scientific discussion), or for the sake of mere variety, a view already discussed. Such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory." Darwin, OOS, pg 252

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" - The Wizard of evolution (Oz) told Dorothy

William Lane Craig avoids the terms NeoDarwinism or modern synthesis when discussing evolution with believers. He does this because these terms are often associated with the idea that evolution is a purely naturalistic process, and that there is no need for God to have been involved in the creation of life. Craig, on the other hand, believes that evolution is compatible with theism, and that God could have used evolution as a tool to create life.

In his book Reasonable Faith, Craig writes:

"I do not use the term 'Neo-Darwinism' because it is often used to refer to a strictly naturalistic view of evolution that excludes any role for God. I prefer to use the term >>'Darwinian evolution'<< because it is more neutral and does not rule out the possibility of God's involvement."

By avoiding the terms NeoDarwinism and modern synthesis, Craig is able to have a more productive (one sided) conversation  with believers about evolution. He is able to show that evolution is compatible with theism, and that there is no need to reject evolution in order to maintain a belief in God.

Mytho-Evolution (as opposed to mytho-history) is a term used in the pokemon universe to describe the parallels between the process of evolution as described by Neo-Darwinism and the stories of creation and transformation found in mythology.

Evolutionary creationism and mytho-evolution are two different views on the origins of life and the universe, but they share some similarities.

Both views accept the scientific evidence for evolution. Evolutionary creationists believe that God used evolution as his tool for creating life, while mytho-evolutionists believe that evolution is a natural process that occurred with pantheistic divine intervention. Both views agree with the evidence for evolution.

Both views see the universe as a purposeful creation. Evolutionary creationists believe that God created the universe with a purpose, and that evolution was part of that purpose. Mytho-evolutionists believe in a pantheon of (g)ods, but they often see the universe as a sacred or meaningful place. They may believe that evolution is a way for the universe to unfold its own purpose.

Both views see humans as special creatures. Evolutionary creationists believe that humans are special because they are created in the image of God. Mytho-evolutionist sees pokemon humans as being unique among all the other creatures on Earth. They believe that humans have a special role to play in the universe.

Evolutionary creationism and Pokemon mytho-evolution both concord the scientific evidence for evolution with a belief in a purposeful pantheistic universe.

Pantheism is the belief that all of nature is part of God, or that God is the sum of all things. Evolution, on the other hand, is the theory that all living things on Earth have descended from a common ancestor through a process of gradual change over time.

There are some parallels between these two beliefs. For example, both pantheism and evolution see the universe as a vast and interconnected system. In pantheism, this system is (g)od; in evolution, it is the natural world. Both beliefs also emphasize the importance of change and development. In pantheism, this change is seen as the manifestation of (g)od's will; in evolution, it is seen as the result of natural selection.

There are some people who see parallels between pantheism and evolution. For example, some people believe that the process of evolution can be seen as a manifestation of God's will. Others believe that the interconnectedness of the natural world is evidence of the unity of all things.

Ultimately, whether or not you see parallels between pantheism and evolution is a matter of personal belief. There is no right or wrong answer. 

Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

Psalms 104:24

O Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions.

Colossians 2:8

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

Short list of recent articles questioning WLCs "Darwinian Evolution":


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