
Showing posts from February, 2025

A Biblical Look at the Universe: Singularity, Stretching, and Fiery End

The opening verses of Genesis and Hebrews, coupled with other biblical passages, have sparked centuries of theological and scientific debate. Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," establishes a foundational premise: a divine origin for the cosmos. Hebrews 11:3, "By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of visible things," further elaborates on this creation, suggesting that the universe emerged from an invisible, non-material source . This concept resonates with the scientific notion of a singularity . While the Bible doesn't offer a scientific explanation, it does posit a creation ex nihilo, "out of nothing," which aligns, in a sense, with the singularity's incomprehensible nature. Both concepts involve a starting point beyond our current understanding of physical laws. The " invisible singularity " implied by these verse...

Carbon dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls predate Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Carbon dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls, specifically fragments of the Book of Daniel, has yielded dates that predate Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid king whose reign and actions are central to the traditional interpretation of Daniel's visions. Here's what we know: Carbon dating results: Tests conducted on the Daniel scrolls place them generally in the 2nd century BCE, with some fragments potentially even earlier. This is significantly before Antiochus Epiphanes came to power in 175 BCE . Implications: This early dating challenges the idea that the Book of Daniel was written as a response to the Maccabean Revolt, which was sparked by Antiochus's actions. If the book or parts of it predate Antiochus, it points out a genuine fulfilled prophecy. Carbon dating provides strong evidence for an earlier date. Key points to consider: The Dead Sea Scrolls offer the oldest surviving manuscripts of the Book of Daniel. Comparing these to later versions reveals rema...